Your registered agent services are likely not top of mind. We get it. You have a registered agent who you think is taking care of everything for you. But are they? Sure, everything seems to be running smoothly, that is, until you get a notice that a service of process wasn’t delivered, or you become aware of an entity that is no longer in good standing.
In other words, it’s not a problem, until its’ a problem. A big, unexpected issue needing immediate resolution putting you and your company in a bind. And, trust us, you’re not alone. Companies across the country are dealing with lack of transparency into their entities and are being bombarded with administrative burdens at a moment’s notice. Worse off, they are left dealing with it alone because the support of a dedicated service team is non-existent. Unfortunately, over the years this approach to registered agent services has become the status quo leading companies to believe the lack of dedicated support provided is standard. But is it? The truth is it isn’t. Now more than ever, it’s time to expect more from your registered agent because more is exactly what you deserve.
Enter Computershare.
We’ve upped the registered agent game and the way we play is a bit different. Putting our clients first we have developed a game changing, never before seen custom approach centered around modern technology, dedicated support, and streamlined compliance. Our services and delivery model are simply unparalleled in the industry providing peace of mind, accountability and total transparency. With Computershare as your registered agent you’ll be able to work smarter, not harder, with a brand new, enhanced, and one-of-a-kind way of ensuring your registered agent requirements are taken care of.
Take a look at how we’ve changed the game:
Modern technology keeping you compliant and confident
At-a-glance compliance dashboard providing a quick view into service of process, upcoming annual report filing deadlines, units under administration and drill down capabilities giving insight into every detail.
Automated Annual Report Filings completed and filed on your behalf, without interruptions or spreadsheets, and with status monitoring features in GEMS providing transparency and confidence that it’s handled.
Built-in, customizable security functionality ensuring only authorized individuals can view sensitive or confidential data.
Controlled, configurable settings specific to notifications, reporting, and user roles, along with custom billing options.
Dedicated support and service levels you’ve only dreamed were possible
Single point of contact account manager acting as an extension of your team for all your registered agent services.
Industry expert database updates done on your behalf alleviating administrative burdens—saving our clients an average of 21 days per year in administrative work.
Annual account review providing analysis of time saved and total entity compliance spend.
Simplified compliance across all your entities with just one platform and one login
Streamlined domestic service of process (SOP) from any device, anywhere with the option to include outside counsel.
Integrated entity management providing total oversight of compliance and governance framework in a single, integrated system.
Contract management, reporting, org-charts, entity snapshots and more available through your personalized portal.
Now we’ve got you thinking. The fact is your current registered agent simply isn’t cutting it. But upping your game is an easy move when your switching to Computershare. We handle all the details for you and even provide an upfront audit to ensure every one of your entities is in good standing from the very beginning. You’ll be starting off smart, right from the get-go.
What’s holding you back?
Complete the form below and one of our registered agent experts will be in touch.