Your legal entities are the core of your company’s compliance framework. With constantly changing regulatory requirements, it’s critical to know exactly where your operation stands at all times.
Computershare has revolutionized domestic and international entity compliance with a custom approach to meet the needs of public and private companies. With an unrivaled service and delivery model, you gain certainty of compliance and confidence in your entity management across your entire organization, no matter where you operate.
Entity Compliance
Computershare can serve as your Registered Agent in all U.S. states as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam and Canada. We offer reliable service of process acceptance and delivery built around clients’ custom rules with full integration into our entity management platform.
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Take the guess work out of your business license management. Our comprehensive service covers all aspects of your business licensing needs.
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With all your entity data centralized into our Global Entity Management System (GEMS), you can rest assured you have a single source of truth across your entire organization. Which means you can ditch the redundant systems and data, allowing you to work more efficiently and reduce costs.
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You’ve got global entities, we have them handled. With global corporate filings and compliance services in more than 120 jurisdictions, you’ll have confidence in your compliance everywhere you operate.
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Join our client community
Computershare is the fastest growing registered agent among the Fortune 1000. We’re proud to be the preferred choice of public and private organizations looking to stay ahead of compliance demands and protect their business with a trusted registered agent.

Computershare Registered Agent Services has representatives that are always available, have patience and are very understanding when there are many questions.
Amy Saus
Babcock Wilcox

Computershare Registered Agent Services is convenient. We can keep track of outstanding items, receive timely updates and most importantly our Account Manager is always on top of our requests.
Chris Davy
Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc.